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Action for Family Carers works with GP practices across the districts of Maldon, Braintree and Chelmsford, helping them identify, register and support their patients who are also Carers.

Why should Carers register with their GP?

If your GP Practice knows you are a Carer, they can help you to:

    • Look after your own health
    • Look out for signs that caring is having an impact on your health
    • Receive certain vaccinations
    • Find useful information and support and local groups and respite opportunities

How do I register with my GP?

Ask your GP receptionist for a Carer registration form.

What support does Action for Family Carers provide for GPs?

CThe development of Carer Friendly practices is important as Carers are known to be twice as likely to suffer from poor health than those who do not have a caring role. GP surgeries can contribute to keeping Carers healthy.

NHS England has developed some Quality Markers that can be used by general practices to demonstrate how effective they are in recognising and supporting Carers. We can support your GP practice to address these quality markers and create a model of good practice to identify, assess and support Carer health and wellbeing. We can provide:

    • Support and information to encourage Carers to self-identify and register with your GP Practice.
    • Carer awareness training for your staff.
    • Opportunities for Patient Participation Group involvement
    • Help to use your Carer’s register to support holistic Carer health and wellbeing needs
    • Development of a Carer policy.
    • Representative at GP Multi-disciplinary team meetings to identify and raise the profile of unpaid Carers so they can access early support.
    • Information about where you can signpost Carers to more information and support.
    • Explore how your practice makes it easier for Carers to access your services
    • Improve the way you communicate with, involve and inform your Carers

How can my GP practice get involved?