Home 9 Customer Care Statement

Our Mission

Action for Family Carers makes a positive difference to the lives of unpaid Carers including Young Carers.

Our Vision

Unpaid carers of all ages are recognised, respected and valued and have opportunities to achieve their own goals in life.

Our Values

We genuinely care. We approach our work with kindness, empathy and understanding, ensuring carers feel supported, valued, and respected in every interaction.

We are determined to get the best outcomes for carers and we’re in it for the long haul. Carers can rely on the unwavering commitment of our dedicated team to provide consistent and reliable support.

We are dedicated to helping carers achieve their best. In a supportive and welcoming environment, we walk alongside carers, encouraging them to develop skills and face challenges with confidence and resilience.

We’ve been supporting carers in Essex for over thirty years. Carers are in safe hands with our expert staff who are part of the community and bring local knowledge and experience. We prioritise integrity, honesty, and reliability and we follow through on our promises to deliver real results.

We value teamwork and partnerships, working closely with other organisations, professionals, our staff and volunteers and, most importantly, carers themselves. Together, we provide well-rounded support to better meet the diverse needs of carers. Respect and non-judgmental attitudes guide our interactions, fostering a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect within our organisation and the wider community.

Our Commitment to Quality

– To ensure that, within the resources available, we provide high-qulaity services which are flexible, non-judgemental, meet the needs of Carers in Essex, and those they care for, as effectively and efficiently as possible
– To provide services that everyone can access and that meet the varied and complicated individual needs of people living and working in Essex
– To make a difference to the lives of carers and those they care for within Essex through the provision of information and services which supports them in their carer role.
– To enable our customers to make informed choices and access relevant services appropriate to their needs and those of their families.

Our Standards

We are committed to providing our customers with:
– Clear information on how to access our services, which is up-to-date and available through a range of different media e.g. website; leaflets; newsletter.
– An open and honest dialogue which tells our current and potential service users:
What support we can offer.
When we can provide it.
What we are unable to provide, together with information regarding other providers.
– A courteous, prompt and efficient approach in all contacts.
– Regular opportunities to influence the development of services through consultation and feedback, to ensure we provide a service which is constantly informed by the needs of Carers.
– A service which strives to work collaboratively with other agencies in order to make access to services as simple as possible.
– Clear and speedy procedures for handling any complaints.

We will maintain and improve our Quality Commitment and Standards through joint working with:

Our Customers:
Listening to what they tell us and responding openly and honestly.
Using regular forums for Carers to discuss service provision; input to service development; and express their satisfaction and any concerns both informally and formally.
Ensuring compliments and complaints are handled effectively and their learning outcomes are identified and monitored by the Trust Board.

Our Staff:
Ensuring high-quality leadership through the Board of Trustees, Chief Executive Officer and management, which seeks excellence within a culture of openness, continuous learning and improvement.
Recruiting, developing and supporting our Trustees, management and staff to meet our quality standards and to facilitate a Carer-centred approach.
Developing performance indicators which are regularly reviewed by the Board of Trustees.

Other Providers and current and potential Purchasers:
Working to ensure available resources are used as effectively as possible to meet the needs of Carers and those they care for within Essex.
Exploring every opportunity to raise awareness of the needs of our customers and, wherever possible, to seek additional funding to meet these needs.

The Use of External Audits, Standards and the Recognition of Excellence

All our services are managed in accordance with the standards set by the Charity Commission. In addition, we have our services monitored against recognised external standards.

Action for Family Carers currently holds:
1. The National Council for Voluntary Organisation’s PQASSO Quality Mark at Level 3.
2. Carers Trust’s Centre of Excellence Quality Award.