Practical Support & Advice

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Practical support / equipment

There can also be many practical issues to consider when caring for someone in ill health at home. Naturally these will vary according to the person’s physical and mental condition. At Action for Family Carers, we would recommend asking for an assessment of your home by an occupational therapist before purchasing any equipment – your GP can make a referral or you can contact your Essex County Council and ask for the Adult Social Care team.

Some equipment such as wheelchairs and commodes can be loaned from the British Red Cross.

It may also be necessary to consider have adaptations carried out in your home, for example, to make washing and toileting easier or improving access into and around your home. The local authority has a Disabled Facilities Grant which could help pay towards the costs of any adaptations. You can contact your local housing department for information on how to apply.

Further information on practical support and equipment is provided by CarersUK, Equipment and how to get it.

Adult Carer Services

Register as a Carer with your GP

If you register as a Carer with your GP, they will be able to support you to keep as well as possible. You will be eligible for annual screening of your physical health and your mental well-being: you may be eligible for the Flu vaccinations to keep you well. They can also signpost you to local services which can provide additional information, support and advice.

Please do not assume that you are already registered as a Carer with your GP, check with the surgery the next time you call.

Fire Safety

Another aspect to consider would be to ensure the Carer and the person who is looked after knows what to do if there is a fire at home.  Most local fire and rescue services offer free of charge Home Fire Safety Checks.  You may be eligible for free smoke alarms to be fitted where required.

For more information and to book your free home safety check contact:

Essex County Fire & Rescue Service website or call 0300 303 0088.

Dementia support

If you are a Carer, family member or friend of someone who has been recently diagnosed with Dementia, the Carer Information and Support Programme One can give you the support and advice you need. The programme covers: understanding dementia, legal and money matters, support and care, and coping with dementia day to day. This group is delivered through face-to-face sessions or online. Local Carers organisation can signpost you to other local groups which may offer additional support

Further information is available:

Telephone: 07840 046558.



This is a 24-hour alarm monitoring service for a small charge. The person wearing the alarm, or the device itself, can call for help from anywhere in their home and get straight through to the control centre, which is open 24 hours. The alarm location and address is automatically detected in seconds. Once connected, the alarm holder is able to talk to trained control centre staff and, if needed, help can be on its way in minutes.

There are other companies which offer a similar service.

A Practical guide to Healthy Caring

The advice in this booklet will help those who look after a friend or family member or have any form of caring responsibilities, it is of particular relevance for those who are 65 years or older and are new to caring.

Disabled Toilet Access (Radar Key)

The National Key Scheme offers disabled people independent access to locked public toilets around the country. Toilets fitted with National Key Scheme locks can now be found in shopping centres, pubs, cafés, department stores, bus and train stations and many other locations in most parts of the country.

For more information and the current price please call;

Telephone: 0203 687 0790


The Essex Care Services Directory

The Essex Care Services Directory has been produced by Care Choices to help you make decisions about care in Essex and Southend-on-Sea.

Use it to find care homes near you, home care in your area, and much more.

The information on care includes:

  • Where carers can go for support
  • How to stay independent for longer
  • How paying for care works



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