Home 9 Our Services 9 Adult Carers 9 Male Carers

Carers UK estimate that 42% of carers are men but as a husband, partner, dad, son, brother or any other relation or friend you may not feel you are a Carer.

Men can find it harder to ask for help and can face stereotypes that may stop you from seeking support or expressing your emotions. This can lead to isolation and loneliness.

Many male carers feel that their needs different to those of female carers and that’s why its important we provide tailored support for you.

How do I register?

Simply register with us by making a self-referral. Once we’ve got your details, a local Carer Support Worker will be in touch.

Action for family carers

What support do you offer male carers?

Peer support groups

Our partner, Essex Carers Support,  run an online male Carers peer support group on the second Thursday of the month from 10am – 11am. You can connect with other male carers in a supportive environment where you can share experiences and knowledge, and build meaningful connections with others who understand what you’re going through. Simply register with us by making a self-referral and add a note to say you would like to join this group in your reason for referral.

Information, advice and guidance

We understand some of the unique challenges that face male carers including balancing work and caring is particularly challenging if you are the main earner. You might need information on benefits that might be available to you or how you could access a break.

Emotional Support

Being a carer can be rewarding but there can be days where caring can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing. Feelings such as anger, mental fatigue, frustration, anxiety, depression, fear, confusion, sadness, loneliness and grief can arise when you least expect it.

Our compassionate team provides dedicated support to help you cope with the emotional challenges associated with caring. Whether you need a listening ear or strategies to manage stress, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Free Counselling Service

Access professional counselling services at no cost to you. Our qualified counsellors are available to provide confidential support, allowing you to express your feelings and concerns in a safe and supportive environment. Find out more here.

Time 4 You grants for wellbeing

Our small grants are designed to enable you take a well-deserved break from the pressures of caring and have a positive impact on your wellbeing. Whether it’s a day out or a short getaway, these grants aim to provide you with the opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate. Find out more here.

Our team

We have a team of staff available throughout the working day to take your call or enquiry. We understand how difficult it can be to share your story and that building trust can take time. Lots of the staff here are Carers, so we understand first hand some of the challenges you face and genuinely want to help. We’ve got over years 30 years of experience helping local Carers just like you.

Our helpful and approachable team will listen to you, without judgement. You will be in safe hands with our knowledgeable and trained staff.

What other services to you offer?

Action for Family, in partnership with Essex Carers Support, has been commissioned by Essex County Council to deliver support for Adult Carers in West and Northeast Essex.  We have a range of other support for Adult Carers around the county. Find out what else we offer here.

We also provide support for Young Carers.