Our trustee and volunteer, Denise Fielding, has been awarded WEA National Volunteer of the Year.
WEA is a leading adult education charity with a legacy that stretches back over a hundred years. It aims to bring adult learning and education within reach of everyone who needs it.
Tony Dixon, Chair of Action for Family Carers was able to attend the event to add our congratulations and ensure Denise’s contribution to the Charity supporting unpaid family Carers across Essex alongside her voluntary work running a local WEA Branch in Billericay Reading Rooms and the Care 2 programme was highlighted.
Denise’s award was for all her work as a volunteer over a number of years bringing adult education and learning sessions to the local community, developing online courses for Billericay during the pandemic and setting up the Care 2 initiative.
Volunteering with and for Action for Family Carers over 15 years inspired Denise to bid for monies at the start of COVID to design and deliver the Care 2 online offer of a ‘break’ and to support health and well being for Carers, former Carers, their Companions and Supporters including volunteers with free courses, taster sessions and experiences like virtual tours.
In one of the first sessions a Carer thanked the WEA… “It’s the first time as a Carer I’ve ever been offered something for me and for free” with another stating “this is the best part of my day”.
As soon as it was safe to do so, Denise launched ‘face to face’ Care 2 sessions in Billericay and is now hoping to build on this pilot and broaden the offer across Essex.
The Care 2 programme offers mainly online short taster courses on a wide range of subjects from creative and craft topics, practical sessions like cookery and gardening to local, social history as well as relaxation, meditation and seated yoga. However, Denise has championed in venue opportunities in Essex like the recent ‘Care 2 find out about the Embroidery of Maldon’ which was enjoyed in both Billericay and Tiptree and Tollesbury.
In 2024 WEA made Care 2 a core national programme open to those who self identify as Carers and this means regardless of where an unpaid Carer lives, they can access the training online for free. You do not have to be a member of the WEA to enjoy any of their courses.
“All our Care2 courses are completely free for unpaid Carers (or those who have previously been Carers). You do not need to receive a Carer’s allowance to qualify.”
You can find out more about the Care 2 programme and what courses are on offer on the WEA website: Courses for adults | WEA
Congratulations Denise, we and the Carers in Essex we work so hard to support are grateful for your dedication and support.
Keep an eye on our socials and sign up to our Newsletter where we will share any useful courses for Carers across Essex.