This year’s Carers Week theme is ‘Putting Carers on the map’ and we’re encouraging professionals, friends, family, and colleagues to think about the unpaid Carers they encounter who may not realise they are carers.
Carers Week runs from 10 June – 16 June.
We’ve got a lot happening over the week to join in the activity and reach as many carers as possible.
What’s on:

‘Bring a cake, bring a Carer’ Support Groups
Our regular Carer Support Groups bring together those caring for someone to offer emotional support and practical advice. For Carers Week, we invite our group members to extend the invite to someone they know who is also caring but may not have accessed our support yet or doesn’t realise they’re a Carer and can get support. The groups will share a chat, a cuppa, cake, guest speakers, and arts and crafts… Click on the event in your area for the full details:
Tue 11/06: Harlow Our CEO, James Clarke will be joining our Harlow Group.
Fri 14/06: Dunmow (Our Dunmow group is for Carers looking after someone with mental health conditions)
You can find all our events and other groups that run all year round on our handy calendar here.
We work in partnership with Essex Carers Support to provide services.
Other pop-ups you’ll find us at throughout the week:
Mon 10/06: Information Stand @Forget-Me-Not Dementia Café, Great Dunmow
Memory Café at Chelmsford Museum, Chelmsford
Tue 11/06: Information Stand @ St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping
Thu 13/06: Information Stand @ Princess Alexander Hospital, Harlow

Carer Information Morning at Maldon Scout Hut
Our Maldon Day Centre Manager, Lisa Whitely has organised a Carer information morning on Thursday 13 June, 10:30-12:30 in the Scout Hut. We’re asking local people ‘Do you look after someone who couldn’t manage without your help?’
Many fantastic organisations are joining us on the day to offer information and advice.

Supporting Carers Webinar for all Essex front-line professionals.
Essex County Council is running a series of webinars for professionals to hear more about the ECCOS contract and how to refer Carers. Our Adult Services Manager, Leesa McKay, will join the presenting team.
This free webinar will be held over Teams and will cover:
· How to help identify carers
· How and when to signpost carers to support
· Support available to young and adult carers
Please click on the date you wish to attend to reserve your place.
Monday 10 June 7pm to 8.30pm (
Wednesday 12 June 12pm to 1.30pm (
Friday 14 June 10am to 11.30pm: (
Young Carers:
Our Young Carers Council will meet for the first time on Monday 10 June.
On Weds the 12th and on Thursday the 13th our Colchester and Harwich Young Carers clubs are doing a mural that will represent the theme of this year’s week ‘Putting carers on the map’… look out for the photo’s on our social channels!
Find out ore about our Young Carers Clubs here.
If you are a carer and would like to hear about any of our events and access our support you can self refer here.
Professionals, carers and supporters can also sign up to our regular newsletter here.
We’re proud to be ‘putting carers on the map’ during Carers Week 2024 and beyond 💙