New Carer Wellbeing Group Starting

Sep 5, 2024General, Newsletter

You told us, we listened

Some carers living in the Colchester and Tendring areas have said they’d love to attend one of our carer support groups but, because of work and other commitments they find this tricky.

Starting on 25th September 2024, a new ONLINE group for adults who look after and care for someone else will be meeting once a month to provide a space for discussion and support focusing on improving wellbeing.

Carer Support Groups are gatherings of individuals who share common experiences or circumstances. These groups bring together those who are caring for a family member to offer emotional support and practical advice.

What should I expect?

This group will be meeting online using Microsoft Teams. Meetings might sometimes involve guest speakers, or themed topics based on the needs and interests of the group members. Or we might just get together for a chat over a cuppa. Although our staff will be available to facilitate, we’re keen that the carers taking part are central to deciding how the group is run and what takes place within it. The group will be informal and relaxed.

How can I join?

Joining a Carer Support Groups is easy, simply register with us by making a self-referral and make a note of the group you want to join in the reason for referral or if you’re already registered, just drop an email to and use Online Carer Group in the subject box.

You can also call  0300 7708090.

We look forward to meeting/seeing you there!

Action for Family Carers

Need Support?

We prioritise your well-being and understand that seeking help can sometimes be challenging. That's why we are proud to offer a free and completely confidential service dedicated to providing you with the support you need. Our team of compassionate professionals are here to lend a listening ear and assist you through any difficult situation you may be facing.