Action for family carers


4-week Carer Support Programme: Ongar

4-week Carer Support Programme: Ongar

This programme has been sensitively created for Carers looking after loved ones living with dementia.4-week program in Ongar starts 8th JanuaryThe sessions will run every Wednesday until 29th January, 10am-12pmLocation: Ongar Fire Station, 67 High Street, Ongar, CM5...
FREE courses for Carers

FREE courses for Carers

Our trustee and volunteer, Denise Fielding, has been awarded WEA National Volunteer of the Year. WEA is a leading adult education charity with a legacy that stretches back over a hundred years. It aims to bring adult learning and education within reach of everyone who...
Essex Cares At Christmas

Essex Cares At Christmas

We’re proud to have been chosen to be part of the Essex Cares At Christmas Community Advent Calendar. Each day for 24 days from 1 December 2024, Essex Cares At Christmas is sharing a short video promoting the work of a local charity dedicated to supporting...