The significance of companionship at an Action for Family Carers Activity Group.
Robin is 78 years of age and attends our Epping Activity Group for people living with dementia.
He was a Police Officer for many years and is now retired and lives with his wife. He enjoys a long walk every morning and loves being in nature.
Robin joined the group in 2024 and it provides a break for his wife who is his main Carer.
The group has helped him make new friends with people in a similar situation. They share their worries which helps him to feel less isolated with his dementia.
Robin joins in the activities with enthusiasm. Every week is interesting and varied. He really enjoys the physical games they play and says ‘this helps him to keep mobile’. He likes the mix of people at the club.
‘There is a real sense of camaraderie and lots of laughter’.
If you would like to find out more about Action for Family Carers can support people with Dementia, please visit