Action for family carers



Case Study – Young Carers

Dec 5, 2023Case Study, General

Time and space to be himself.

Oliver is 7 years old. He helps look after his little sister who is 4. She struggles to walk and frequently needs to visit Great Ormond Street hospital. Oliver has ADHD and struggles to understand why Mummy and Daddy need to spend so much time at the hospital. He has previously been suspended from school and before joining us, Mum would get regular phone calls from the school about his behaviour and asking her to come in and help calm him down.

Oliver has been attending our Young Carers Club for a few weeks now and every Wednesday he goes into school and tells his SENCO all about what he did at Club and how brilliant it was. Mum said “Action for Family Carers Young Carers Club is the only place he looks forward to going to. He has time and space just for him and that has had a massive impact. If he has to miss a week, he is really upset”.

She has not had any phone calls from school about his behaviour since he has joined club and Oliver tells her all about the staff and volunteers who have spent precious time listening to him and getting to know what he enjoys doing at the Club.

Debbie, Young Carers Support & Development Worker at Action for Family Carers adds “He is always very happy and well behaved. He arrives early and helps me set up. I’m so glad we can make a positive difference to him and his family”.

To find out more about our Young Carers Club please click here.

Action for Family Carers

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